Wholesome Monster Girl Crowdfunding

I’ve have a few plans on how to fund WMGA. The primary funding will come from Kickstarter which I will plan for early October. The target goal with be $10k which will go towards CGs, backgrounds, more character sprites, and additional music. If it goes past that, that will go towards more CGs primarily. Until then and afterwards, I just opened up a Patreon here:


Every dollar that comes from Patreon before the planned Kickstarter will knock off of the total amount needed to reach the $10k goal so your pledges here will make a different to funding it in the end.

$1 – News Updates and Discord Role
$5 – Concept Art Previews for character sprites, background renders, and CGs
$10 – Early Previews of Full character sprites (poses and outfits), full background previews, and full CGs (except end game spoilers)
$15 – Early access to longer demo builds that will go past the public demo. Currently there are no builds up so if you want this tier, just hit-and-run this tier when there’s a new post on it. This will also be updated mostly rarely with possible mistakes, grammar, spelling issues, etc.

You can also join the Heartfelt Games Discord here for updates as well: https://discord.gg/YceeAHA

New Game In Production: Wholesome Monster Girl Academia

Heartfelt Games is now working on a new visual novel called Wholesome Monster Girl Academia! WMGA is a 100% wholesome foray into the world of monster girls set in a Catholic high school.

Begin a new school year and make friends (and even more) with the local monster girls including:

  • Sera the preppy harpy cheerleader
  • Wren the tomboyish dragon girl
  • Clover the lazy and nerdy slime girl
  • Eva the bratty but religious succubus
  • Aria the punk rockin’ half-vampire

If this visual novel strikes a chord with you, follow here: https://www.twitter.com/WholesomeMGA

New presskit() section

This site has now been updated to include a presskit() section.  If anyone from the media is interested in materials for articles about Heartfelt Games LLC or any of the games on this site, this is your one stop location for all the details you’ll need.

When It Hits the Fan and Blackout Grid’s individual pages now also have itch.io widgets on them so you can download each game without leaving the site!  Blackout Grid also has a Google Play widget as well.

Hope all this makes things more convenient for everyone!

New Title Screen and Event notice

New Title Screen

When It Hits the Fan has been getting a lot of updates lately.  All of this is preparing for an official demo release along with shortly after a Greenlight campaign and a Kickstarter for more music.  I hope to be adding local co-op soon too so look forward to that!

This weekend on Saturday, August 22 from 6:30pm to 1:30am I will be attending Bear’s Grizzly Game Night at Bears on Fairfield in Shreveport, Louisiana.  There, you will have a chance to play a few indie games from local Louisianians including When It Hits the Fan!  You will either need $5 to get in or your Geek’d con ticket for entry.

Boss Showcase: Zombie Tank


I just started the implementation for the first boss:  Zombie Tank!  So far it’s pretty exciting with two turrets, the main head shooting downward making to harder to pass in front, and a horde of zombies coming from the sides.  Hope this gets some of you excited!  It’s pretty fun so far; I can’t wait to release the demo!


(Here’s a small sneak peek of two others as well)