Wholesome Monster Girl Crowdfunding

I’ve have a few plans on how to fund WMGA. The primary funding will come from Kickstarter which I will plan for early October. The target goal with be $10k which will go towards CGs, backgrounds, more character sprites, and additional music. If it goes past that, that will go towards more CGs primarily. Until […]

Game Trailer – 5 Days Until Release!

Only 5 more days until When It Hits the Fan is released on Steam and itch.io!  Enjoy the Full gameplay trailer below then grab the demo on either Steam or itch.io! Don’t forget to add it to your wishlist: Steam:  http://store.steampowered.com/app/522900/When_It_Hits_the_Fan/ Itch.io:  http://yomic.itch.io/when-it-hits-the-fan/  

New presskit() section

This site has now been updated to include a presskit() section.  If anyone from the media is interested in materials for articles about Heartfelt Games LLC or any of the games on this site, this is your one stop location for all the details you’ll need. When It Hits the Fan and Blackout Grid’s individual […]

Boss Showcase: Zombie Tank

I just started the implementation for the first boss:  Zombie Tank!  So far it’s pretty exciting with two turrets, the main head shooting downward making to harder to pass in front, and a horde of zombies coming from the sides.  Hope this gets some of you excited!  It’s pretty fun so far; I can’t wait […]